Saturday, September 15, 2012

Les Miserables

Posted by Kate at 7:30 AM
Dear Dominic,

Judging by the intensity with which you pay attention to Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? I'm guessing you're going to be a bookworm like your mom.  Someday, when you borrow my beautifully translated, hardcover edition of Les Miserables you'll notice some yellowishness on the side of the pages.

Let me explain.

I was changing you, as I do about a million times a day.  You had a poop and pee filled diaper.  As I was wiping your cute little bum, you pushed and let lose a stream of wickedness only a mother would't be horrified by.  It completely cleared your pack and play, hitting the armchair, carpet, and my beloved copy of Les Miserables.  This was your first of many projectile poops, and I'm so glad we have a physical, permanent reminder.

I used clorox, so although it's stained, I think it's sanitized.

Enjoy the book, it's in my top 10!  When you finish we'll hit a cafe with a bottle of red and discuss!

Love, Mom  


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